Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Out With A Bang Or A Whimper?

I hate it when I read disturbing things.  Well, hate it as in "I hate it when I gain weight from eating too much chocolate ice cream" if you know what I'm talking about.  In this case it's nice to learn something new but when that new thing is date the world will end, well, that's not so much fun is it?

Now, I'm not claiming I know the exact day, minute and hour but I have a pretty good idea when things will end.  I predict that life on earth will pretty much be over sometime in the early 22nd century.  Let's say 2125 to give ourselves a little bit of wiggle room.  This means that the people born today might be the last humans to roam the planet.  Think about it.  

So, you're probably asking: what is this shit?  how do they know the exact date?  And most importantly, how's it going to end?  

Well, more on that in the next post but here's a little taste of what it might look like.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Goodbye Cruel World?

Greetings one and all.  First, an introduction of sorts.  I'm what you might call a optimistic pessimist.  That is, I hope for the best while expecting the worst.  Some might call this a cop out since I can't lose.  If good things happen, well, great!  And if the shit hits the fan, well, hey, I told you so and I was stock piling gold and tuna fish in my bunker so I'm ready for the end and hey, don't blame me that you weren't ready and yeah I have some spare room where you can wait out the end with me.

Now, as a casual observer of the world around me, I've gotten a bit more worried about our little planet.  I've always been a worrier and now, I'm approaching the terrified state.  It's no one thing in particular but rather a whole series of events all coming to a head.  Between political and economic upheaval at home and abroad, environmental issues, and just plain alignment of the stars, I can't help but envision a world of the near future that will be nothing but hostile to it's inhabitants.  

Don't worry, this isn't a kiss-off to everyone.  I'm here to try to make sense of what it all means.  I'm pretty sure that will be one tall order but I figure this is one way to try to figure this shit out.  Where are we headed?  Why are we making the choices we make?  Why can't we get our collective asses together to make some changes for the better?

So, stay tuned for some semi-regular commentary on the state of affairs.  And in true optimistic/pessimistic form, I might have the chance to document the end of civilization while sitting on my comfy chair sipping a single malt scotch.  Not a bad way to go, actually.